The Case for Investing in Prevention: Housing

This is one in a series of short reports examining the case for investment in prevention activities. Each report includes a review of the literature which, while not exhaustive, aims to provide an overview for the reader and sign-post to further information for those requiring greater detail.

Authors: Sara Long, Liz Green+ 3 more
, Joanna Charles, Mark Bellis, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards

Charter for International Health Partnerships in Wales

The Charter for International Health Partnerships in Wales, developed by the International Health Coordination Centre (IHCC), Public Health Wales, is based on Wales’ history of accomplishment and learning in this area and outlines the four foundations of successful international health partnerships. The signatories are Welsh health organisations committed to these foundations, which value and recognise the benefits to our overseas partners as well as the benefits to the NHS and patients in Wales.

Authors: Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), Mark Bellis+ 7 more
, Susan Mably, Malcolm Ward, Chris Riley, Gill Richardson, Beth Haughton, Tony Jewell, Hannah Sheppard

Housing and Health Evidence Review for Health Impact Assessment (HIA)

This guidance document was produced by the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) for Public Health Wales to ensure that decisions relating to housing and HIA are made from an evidence-informed standpoint. It is designed to be read in conjunction with Health Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide (Chadderton et al., 2012) which provides detailed guidelines and proformas for carrying out an HIA.

Authors: Ellie Byrne, Eva Elliott+ 2 more
, Liz Green, Julia Lester

A Practical Guide to HIA

The Welsh HIA Guide is a comprehensive and practical toolkit for practitioners and those who may have an interest in using the process as part of their work.

Authors: Chloe Chadderton, Eva Elliot+ 3 more
, Liz Green, Julia Lester, Gareth Williams