Title Author Description Resources
‘The experience of HIA in Wales’ Health Impact assessment: concepts, theory, techniques and applications Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.201-211 Breeze C (2004) in Kemm J, Parry J and Palmer S (eds) Health effects are often overlooked when planning development projects ranging from new runways at major airport sites to developing water supply systems to improve sanitation. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is the assessment of the health effects, positive or negative, of a project, programme, or policy. It is therefore concerned with the health of populations and attempts to predict the future consequences for health of decisions which have not yet been implemented. HIA is a new and growing field with numerous schools of thought and areas of controversy. View webpage
A guide to assessing the health and wellbeing impacts of opencast mining (2012) Chloe Chadderton, Eva Elliott and Gareth Williams (WHIASU) A best practice guidance document containing advice on carrying out an HIA on an opencast proposal and presenting the findings of a comprehensive literature review in a usable format for those wishing to undertake an HIA. View resource
A guide to reviewing evidence for health impact assessments Mindell J, Biddulph JP, Boaz A, Boltong A, Curtis S, Joffe M, Lock K, Taylor L This guide provides a step-by-step framework to assist practitioners in reviewing literature for use in a HIA. View resource
Actif Woods Wales 2015 Case Study Lee Parry Williams and Nerys Edmonds with thanks to Kate Hamilton and the Actif Woods team Actif Woods were reviewing their approach and considering changing the focus of the project to a preventative approach rather than targeting people with existing long term conditions. They were also preparing future funding bids and reviewing their approach to evaluation. To understand the health impacts of this proposed change, a HIA screening exercise was conducted using a newly developed HIA screening tool to be used specifically with the Environmental sector. View resource
All Wales Injury Surveillance System The All Wales Injury Surveillance System (AWISS) is population-based, multi-source injury surveillance system, designed to measure injury rates and patterns, in order to support the design and evaluation of injury reduction initiatives, interventions and policies across Wales. View webpage
Assessing the Quality of a HIA report Liz Green A guide to support the review and quality assessment of commissioned HIA reports. View resource
Bandolier The evidence section collects information under a number of health topics. Most of it is medical but the Healthy Living section provides evidence on lifestyle interventions and health. View webpage
Checklist with policy considerations for aligning local development policies and planning decisions with Planning Policy Wales Town & Country Planning Association and WHIASU This checklist forms one of the appendices from 'Planning for Better Health and Well-being in Wales'. View resource
Chief Medical Officer for Wales Includes case studies of HIAs funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and provides access to relevant policy documents and information on other areas of relevant work in public health being conducted in Wales. View webpage
Citizen involvement in a local HIA: Informing decisions on the future of a landfill site in Wales Elliott E, Golby A, and Williams GH (2007) in M Wismar Blau J and Ernst K (eds) The Effectiveness of Health Impact Assessment: Scope and limitations of supporting decision-making in Europe. Brussels: World Health Organization. View resource
Commissioning a HIA and appointing a HIA specialist or consultant Liz Green A guide which includes questions to consider when commissioning a HIA and appointing a HIA specialist or consultant. View resource
Community led HIA Study – Margam Opencast Mine (case study leaflet) Kenfig Hill) The comprehensive health impact assessment examined the impact of the proposed extension to the Margam Opencast mine. View resource
Completed HIAs 1997-2015 WHIASU Completed HIAs 1997-2015. View resource
Contesting the science: public health knowledge and action in controversial land developments’ Risk Communication in Public Health, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Elliott E, Harrop E and Williams GH (2010)‘ in Bennett P, Calman K, Curtis S, and Smith D (eds). Controversies about risks to public health regularly hit the news, whether about food safety, environmental issues, medical interventions, or ‘lifestyle’ risks such as drinking. To those trying to manage or regulate risks, public reactions sometimes seem bizarre. To the public, the behaviour of those supposedly ‘in charge’ can seem no less odd. Trust is currently at a premium. This new edition of Risk Communication and Public Health covers the theoretical and research background, and presents a wide range of contemporary case studies and the learning experiences from these, and the political. View webpage
Crime Reduction Aims to provide community safety and crime prevention practitioners with information and advice to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in their local area. Contains evidence on a broad range of topics from CCTV to racially motivated crime. View webpage
Developing public sociology through health impact assessment Elliott E and Williams GH (2008) Not available View resource
ESRC Centre for Evidence Based Public Health Policy (based at the MRC’s Social and Public Health Science Unit at Glasgow University) Set up to ‘respond to the growing demand for rational and effective policy interventions based on an informed understanding of “what works”. A number of studies are currently underway. View webpage
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and Local Development Plans (LDPs): A Toolkit for Practice Liz Green, Lee Parry-Williams, Edwin Huckle Please download Adobe Acrobat Reader before opening this resource in order for full functionality.

Public Health Wales has created a practical Health Impact Assessment (HIA) toolkit that will enable planers to easily integrate health into their development plans for the future. Designed to help further the collaboration between planning and public health sectors in Wales the resource aims to maximise positive health and wellbeing outcomes through land use planning policies that create healthy, equitable and cohesive communities.
View resource
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Overview (2020) Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) Provides an overview on a Health Impact Assessment (HIA). View resource
Health Impact Assessment (HIA): Frequently Asked Questions WHIASU have created this document which looks to answer your Health Impact Assessment (HIA) questions, including looking at the benefits, what it involves and when to carry out a HIA, alongside other questions. Alongside our other resources, it can help to further your understanding of HIA. View webpage
Health Impact Assessment A practical guide Chloe Chadderton, Eva Elliott, Liz Green, Julia Lester, Gareth Williams The Welsh HIA Guide is a comprehensive and practical toolkit for practitioners and those who may have an interest in using the process as part of their work. View resource
Health impact assessment in government policy making: Developments in Wales, Policy Learning Curve Series, No.6 Breeze C and Hall R (2002) Not available View resource
Health Impact Assessment Training and Capacity Building Framework – Technical Document Nerys Edmonds, Lee Parry-Williams, Liz Green (WHIASU) The technical report sets out an underpinning framework for the WHIASU’s approach to the design, development, delivery and evaluation of training and capacity building for HIA over the next five years. The framework is the result of 18 months research, development and engagement. The technical document details a newly developed ‘Skills and Knowledge Framework for HIA’ and a ‘Development Pathway for HIA’ which can inform workforce development and capacity building. View resource
Health Impact Assessment workshop template / record sheet (2020 – Interactive) Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) To be used as an electronic form only. Used to identify and record the populations groups and Wider Determinants of Health and Well-being impacts. View resource
Health Inequality Impact Assessment: Planning for a Positive Impact Bro Taf Health Authority A document which includes a brainstorming exercise on health inequalities. View resource
HIA Gateway Information, resources, case studies, sources of evidence and networks to support the use of HIA. View webpage
Institute of Rural Health (IRH) Conducts wide-ranging research on issues relating to health and the rural environment. View webpage
Mental Well-being Impact Assessment: A toolkit for well-being Cooke, A., Friedli, L., Coggins, T., Edmonds, N., Michaelson, J., O’Hara, K., Snowden, L., Stansfield, J., Steuer, N., Scott-Samuel, A. This MWIA toolkit for well-being provides an evidence based framework for improving well-being through commissioning processes, project and service design and delivery, community engagement and impact assessment. It enables people and organisations to assess and improve a policy, programme, service or project to ensure it has a maximum equitable impact on people’s mental well-being, and to identify ways to measure those impacts. View resource
Mental Wellbeing Checklist: A toolkit for wellbeing Anthea Cooke, Lynne Friedli, Tony Coggins, Nerys Edmonds, Juliet Michaelson, Kate O’Hara, Lynn Snowden, Jude Stansfield, Nicola Steuer, Alex Scott-Samuel This checklist provides a quick framework to help people consider mental well-being in more detail when commissioning, delivering or developing a policy, strategy, service or initiative. View resource
MRC’s Social and Public Health Science Unit, University of Glasgow The aim of the Unit is ‘to promote human health via the study of social and environmental influences on health’. Of particular interest will be the section evaluating the health effects of social interventions. They focus on non healthcare sector areas such as housing and regeneration as well as hosting the ESRC Centre for Evidence Based Public Health Policy. View webpage
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Contains summaries of reviews and full reports commissioned or carried out by NICE, as well as links to other organisations. View webpage
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), University of York Provides summaries of reviews conducted by CRD about what is already known about the effectiveness of interventions to improve health and tackle ill health. Most are about medical treatments but it includes the comprehensive Evidence from Systematic Reviews of Research Relevant implementing the Wider Public Health Agenda (See reviews conducted in 2000). Also includes the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) database which provides abstracts of quality assessed systematic reviews. Some of these deal with the wider determinants of health. View webpage
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Part of the Department of Health and Social Care. The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities brings together expert advice, analysis and evidence with policy development and implementation to shape and drive health improvement and equalities priorities for government. View webpage
Physical Activity Case Study – Colwyn Bay Leisure Centre Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on the proposed Health Precinct project in Colwyn Leisure Centre. View resource
Planning and Enabling Healthy Environments: Case Studies Tom Johnson, Liz Green Public Health Wales have published a suite of documents that will help inform and enable healthier future environments including strategies to help stem the rise in obesity in Wales. View resource
Planning and Enabling Healthy Environments: Main Resource Tom Johnson, Liz Green Public Health Wales have published a suite of documents that will help inform and enable healthier future environments including strategies to help stem the rise in obesity in Wales. View resource
Planning and Enabling Healthy Environments: Supplementary Planning Guidance Tom Johnson, Liz Green Public Health Wales have published a suite of documents that will help inform and enable healthier future environments including strategies to help stem the rise in obesity in Wales. View resource
Planning for Better Health and Wellbeing in Wales TCPA, WHIASU and Public Health Wales This Briefing was prompted by the duty placed on public bodies by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to contribute to achieving national well-being goals, and by the strengthening the planned planning system, again with a requirement to contribute to well-being goals, instituted by the Planning (Wales) Act 2015. These legislative changes provided a timely opportunity to develop practical guidance for both planning and public health practitioners and policy-makers, to help them take health and well-being considerations into account when drawing up local well-being plans and Local Development Plans and when making decisions on planning applications. View resource
Planning for Health and Wellbeing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) City of Cardiff Council This SPG supplements policies in the adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP) relating to health and planning and has been developed jointly between the Council and the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. View resource
Population Groups and Health and Wellbeing Determinants Checklist (2020) Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) This checklist is for use during a HIA Screening and Appraisal in order to identify the population groups who could be more impacted than others by a policy/project/proposal and to consider the potential impacts in the context of the wider determinants of health and well-being. View resource
Potential planning involvement during the integrated medium-term plan development process Town & Country Planning Association and WHIASU This resource forms one of the appendices in the 'Planning for Better Health and Well-being in Wales' document. Download resource. View resource
Process for health involvement in the development management (planning applications) Town & Country Planning Association and WHIASU This resource forms one of the appendices from the 'Planning for Better Health and Well-being in Wales' document. View resource
Process for planners consulting with public health Town & Country Planning Association and WHIASU This resource forms one of the appendices from the 'Planning for Better Health and Well-being in Wales' document. View resource
Process for public health involvement in development planning (policy) Town & Country Planning Association and WHIASU This resource forms one of the appendices from 'Planning for Better Health and Well-being in Wales'. View resource
Project BRAND Partnership Case Study The BRAND Project is a three year project, 75% funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the EU’s Ireland-Wales 2007-2013 Interreg IVA programme. The programme is a community initiative that aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion by promoting international and cross border cooperation. View resource
Public Health Wales The Public Health Wales have supported several HIAs and details and information can be found on this site View webpage
Public Involvement in Health Impact Assessment Chloe Chadderton, Eva Elliott, Gareth Williams (WHIASU) As part of its research and evaluation role this paper reports on a research study investigating the methods and impact of members of the public and community groups involvement in Health Impact Assessment (HIA). The methodology includes a comprehensive literature review, and case studies in Wales using qualitative interviews and focus groups with members of the public and representatives from community groups and the statutory sector. A grounded theory approach is adopted in order to identify emergent themes in the data. View resource
Quality Assurance Review Framework for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Liz Green, Lee Parry-Williams, Nerys Edmonds, With contribution from Steinthora Jonsdottir This Quality Assurance (QA) Review Framework is a critical appraisal tool for HIA. It sets out to ensure that HIA practice in Wales continues to reflect the important values, standards and approaches that have underpinned the development of HIA practice in the country to date. It has been developed as a suite of 3 separate documents. This first document outlines the methodology and provides guidance on how to use the QA review framework. View resource
Quality Assurance Review Framework for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) – Complete Liz Green, Lee Parry-Williams, Nerys Edmonds This document has combined the three separate QA documents (below) into one. View resource
Quality Assurance Review Framework for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) (2020 – Interactive) Liz Green, Lee Parry-Williams, Nerys Edmonds, With contribution from Steinthora Jonsdottir To be used as an electronic form only. This Quality Assurance Review Framework is a critical appraisal tool for HIA. It sets out to ensure that HIA practice in Wales continues to reflect the important values, standards and approaches that have underpinned the development of HIA practice in the country to date. The Framework has been written to support and guide individuals and organisations to undertake a quality assurance review of a Health Impact Assessment and has been designed as a standalone document. It aims to provide guidance for both commissioners and reviewers of HIAs. View resource
Quality Assurance Review Framework for HIA – Appendix 1 – Review Criteria Matrix Green L, Parry Williams L, Edmonds N Appendix 1 is the Review Criteria Matrix. This is presented in a tabulated format to aid recording of the review findings and provide feedback to the commissioners/authors of the HIA. View resource
Quality Assurance Review Framework for HIA – Appendix 2 – Explanatory Notes Green L, Parry Williams L, Edmonds N This document provides additional guidance to inform completion of key review criteria. View resource
Queen Mary, University of London – Health Research Group, Department of Geography Includes ‘The East London Guide to Health Impact Assessment of Regeneration Projects'. The three-volume work includes a literature review on four areas relevant to regeneration and how they relate to health. View webpage
Recreational Public Open Space SPG (Final) (Denbighshire County Council) This document is one of a series of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) notes amplifying Denbighshire Local Development Plan 2006 –2021 (LDP) policies in a format which aims to guide the process, design and quality of new development. English available only. View resource
Regeneration Case Study – Llangeinor, Nant Garw In 2002, Bridgend County Borough Council decided to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on a proposed housing redevelopment in Llangeinor, a deprived former coal mining community in the Garw. View resource
Regional Waste Planning Case Study The Welsh Assembly Government stipulates in TAN 21 that the Regional Waste Plans (RWP) must be reviewed every three years, and that a HIA must be carried out for both the Wales Waste Strategy and the three Welsh RWPs 1st Reviews (RWPRs). A comprehensive Strategic HIA was therefore carried out to support and inform the RWPRs in Wales, to ensure that health and wellbeing were considered and safeguarded during the regional waste planning process. View resource
Sample Workshop Presentation Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) Relates to the LDP guidance View resource
Scoping Checklist WHIASU A tool for scoping a HIA View resource
Scoping template – determining the governance, process,objectives and focus for the HIA (2020 – Interactive) Wales Health Impact Assessment Unit (WHIASU) To be used as an electronic form only. Scoping determines the project management, governance, process, objectives, focus and scale of the assessment to be undertaken. It will identify a range of elements including the terms of reference, roles and responsibilities, stakeholder involvement, the scale/type of assessment and evidence required. View resource
Screening Record Sheet WHIASU A tool for Screening in HIA View resource
Self-administered sexual health testing in an open prison setting in Wales: A Health Impact Assessment and Social Return on Investment analysis Kathryn Ashton, Aimee Challenger, Andrew Cotter-Roberts, Christie Craddock, Jordan Williams, Liz Green This report outlines findings from a study that aims to understand the health impacts and social return on investment of a self-sampling service for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in an open prison setting in Wales. The study applies an innovative approach by using a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) lens and approach, in combination with the Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework. View webpage
Successfully creating the conditions for Health Impact Assessment in Wales: a case study. In: Impact Assessment Outlook Journal Volume 21: July 2024. Impact Assessment Frontiers Part 2: People, Health and Equality. Thought pieces from UK and International practice Kathryn Ashton, Liz Green Reflections from the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU), Policy and International Health, World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Well-being, Public Health Wales. View resource
The Campbell Collaboration Provides access to evidence on the effects of a number of social, educational and criminal justice interventions. View webpage
The CPTPP trade deal is a major threat to public health and warrants a health impact assessment (HIA) Courtney L McNamara, Liz Green, Pepita Barlow, Mark A Bellis View webpage
The European Centre for Policy Part of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, it provides workshops and meetings to develop and disseminate ideas and good practice on HIA. View webpage
The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Describes itself as a tripartite European Union body set up to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions. Provides information on the links between employment conditions and health. View webpage
The impact of the economic downturn on health in Wales: A review and case study. Executive Summary. (2010) Eva Elliott, Emily Harrop, Heather Rothwell, Michael Shepherd and Gareth Williams This review aimed to capture the learning from research on previous recessions whilst placing the finding in the context of Wales today. It should be emphasised that this was not a comprehensive study, but it provides a starting point from which policy makers, practitioners and researchers can start deliberation on actions for the future. It provides a set of evidence informed recommendations for policy and practice which includes suggestions as to what population groups may be particularly vulnerable to the recession; the need to pool resources and join up solutions particularly in areas where support service infrastructure is likely to be weak; the need for active labour market programmes which provide support, build self esteem and make us or forge supportive social/community networks and (as well as job search support) and for these to include an evaluation of their health impact; for support strategies to be developed in workplaces to support employees who may be anxious about their job status; and for the potential health impact of future spending decisions as a result of reduced public spending to be taken into consideration. In addition services for vulnerable young people, families under stress and people with mild to moderate mental health problems should be protected. Available in English Only. View resource
The International Association for Impact Assessment Provides support and a forum for discussion and ideas for individuals and organisations involved in different forms of impact assessment View webpage
The State of the Union. Reuniting Health with Planning in Promoting Healthy Communities. Michael Chang, Town and Country Planning Association. This publication provides a picture of the effectiveness of the collaboration between the planning, public health and healthcare sectors as we enter 2019. Download resource. View resource
The World Health Organization (WHO) Provides access to case studies, tools, sources of evidence on the relationships between key determinants of health and other information on current developments. View webpage
Transport Research Laboratory Wide range of research on road safety, impact on traffic flow and environmental issues such as noise and traffic emissions. View webpage
Transportation Case Study A483/A489 Newtown (case study leaflet) Jacobs Transport Wales commissioned Jacobs to carry out an independent study to examine the transport problems associated with the A483 and A489 passing through Newtown. The purpose of the Jacobs commission was to identify the transport problems within the area and develop a set of Draft Planning Objectives, against which broad-based solutions could be assessed and a pre-appraisal carried out to sift these generated options. Download resource. View resource
Transportation Case Study A483/A489 Newtown Stage 1 HIA Report Transport Wales commissioned Jacobs to carry out an independent study to examine the transport problems associated with the A483 and A489 passing through Newtown. The purpose of the Jacobs commission was to identify the transport problems within the area and develop a set of Draft Planning Objectives, against which broad-based solutions could be assessed and a pre-appraisal carried out to sift these generated options. Download resource. View resource
Transportation Case Study A483/A489 Newtown Stage 2 HIA Report Jacobs Transport Wales commissioned Jacobs to carry out an independent study to examine the transport problems associated with the A483 and A489 passing through Newtown. The purpose of the Jacobs commission was to identify the transport problems within the area and develop a set of Draft Planning Objectives, against which broad-based solutions could be assessed and a pre-appraisal carried out to sift these generated options. Download resource. View resource
Trip Database Searches over 55 sites with good quality medical and health related information and research. Provides access to 'evidence-based' material on the web as well as articles from highly rated online medical journals such as the British Medical Journal. Although medically focused it is possible to access evidence relating to the wider determinants of health. View webpage
Welsh European Funding Office A website detailing EU funds in Wales. View webpage
Welsh Government Information with regard to all aspects of Welsh Government policies and strategies in relation to health and wellbeing. View webpage
What works for Wellbeing Evidence knowledge bank BETA. In the past three years, the Centre has completed 16 systematic reviews on wellbeing and culture and sport, work and learning and community wellbeing. The ‘knowledge bank’ is the Centre’s very early step to bring all the main findings, the evidence statements and gaps from these reviews together into one searchable excel spreadsheet. The intention is to make the data as accessible and useful as possible. View webpage