The Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) delivered ‘Placemaking, Health & Wellbeing Workshop’ in Cardiff on 30th January 2020. Themes for the day focused on provided diverse examples and perspectives of collaboration and good practice between health and spatial planning. Two interactive group activities occurred for participants to discuss and consider opportunities for collaborative strategic approaches in planning development and how best to maximise the value of health evidence at development management stages. Finally a practical insight regarding shaping healthier, sustainable places for people was presented using UK and International case studies.

The summary and key messages from the workshop can be viewed here.

See below for the presentations.

Health Impact Assessment

Liz Green and Lucy O’Loughlin – Strategic Priority Groups

Public Health Wales Update on Public Health Engagement in Spatial Planning

Workshop 1 – Opportunities for collaborative strategic approaches in planning development

Workshop 2 – Maximising the value of Health Evidence in Development Management stage