Examining relationships between adverse childhood experiences and coping during the cost-of-living crisis using a national cross-sectional survey in Wales, UK

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful experiences during childhood such as child maltreatment and exposure to household difficulties including domestic violence, substance abuse, mental illness and family members being in prison. This study analysed data collected from 1,880 adult residents across Wales. It found that those who reported multiple ACEs in their childhood were significantly more likely to perceive they would be unable to cope financially during the cost-of-living crisis, independent of factors including household income level, employment status and residential deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis+ 4 more
, Katie Cresswell, Rebecca Hill, Kat Ford, Joanne C. Hopkins

What Works in the Prevention and Early Intervention of ACEs at the Community Level? Identifying and Supporting Projects across Wales

Previous research undertaken by ACE Hub Wales indicated that community projects across Wales provide support for community members in respect of a range of adversities. Building on this research, the aim of this project is to identify and map further community projects; to understand the most effective methods of supporting these projects as well as barriers to engagement; and finally to explore the impact of services on community groups

Authors: Samia Addis, Joanne C. Hopkins

What Works to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) at the Community Level? An Evidence Review and Mapping Exercise

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful experiences that occur during childhood which directly hurt a child (for example, maltreatment) or affect them through the environment in which they live (for example exposure to domestic violence). The aim of this project is to identify effective interventions at the community level relating to the prevention of ACEs and to identify initiatives undertaken across Wales.

Authors: Samia Addis, Troy Wey+ 2 more
, Ellie Toll, Joanne C. Hopkins

An exploration of the trauma informed terminology and approaches being used by significant projects, programmes and interventions in Wales

There is national and international recognition of the importance of working in a trauma informed way when interacting with others, and public statements to that effect by services and organisations in Wales. The ACE Support Hub are working with Traumatic Stress Wales to develop a “National Skills and Knowledge Framework to Respond to Trauma”. As part of this framework, and in line with the recommendation from Welsh Government, the ACE Support Hub have identified a need to better understand the use of trauma informed terminology, the definitions being attributed to the terminology and the approaches being implemented across programmes, projects and interventions (PPIs) in Wales.

Authors: Alex Walker, Vicky Jones+ 1 more
, Joanne C. Hopkins

Uncharted Territory Review

This timely new review led by the ACE Support Hub, provides an update on the recommendations of the original report but also reflects on the progress made in the light of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has found that whilst gaps remain, there has been some real progress made in terms of policy legislation in both Wales and the wider UK.

Authors: Joanne C. Hopkins, Amira Assami

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Violence and ACEs Experienced by Children and Young People in Wales Interim Report

This report explores the impact of COVID-19 and the associated health protection measures on children and young people through a review of the available literature and analysis of multi-agency data. It captures the inequitable and long-term impact that the pandemic could have on children and young people, and highlights considerations for mitigating these negative consequences.

Authors: Annemarie Newbury, Emma Barton+ 2 more
, Lara Snowdon, Joanne C. Hopkins

Inspiration from ACE Interrupters in Great Britain

Sharing the stories of individuals who have made a remarkable difference to those affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Mark Bellis+ 4 more
, Kat Ford, Katy Hetherington, Joanne C. Hopkins, Emma Clark