For over four decades, the EU has handled most of the UK’s trade policy. Now, as the country regains autonomy over its trade policy decision-making, the government must carefully consider its approach in pursuing free trade agreements (FTAs). The UK government has already agreed a trade deal with the EU and has recently formally applied to join one of the world’s largest FTAs, the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
Both of these agreements will have significant implications for a range of health determinants including foods standards, tobacco and alcohol regulations, working conditions and environmental protection across the 4 nations of the UK, which includes Wales. But is the public health system ready to maximise opportunities for health that these agreements might bring, and mitigate any potential risks? What will be the implications for Wales?
This two-part virtual masterclass aims to equip public health specialists, policy makers and public sector leaders with a better, more detailed understanding of how the UK-EU and CPTPP trade agreements might influence the determinants of health and wellbeing. The aim is to equip participants with the necessary knowledge to support better advocacy for health and health equity in the realm of trade policy.
Part 1: (27th April 2021, 1pm-2:30pm) will focus on the health impacts of the UK joining the CPTPP.
Part 2: (11th May 2021, 1pm-2:30pm) will focus on health impacts in relation to the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
Each session will include:
- An overview of findings from previous health impact assessments (HIAs) of free trade agreements;
- An analysis of the language used in trade agreements, with a focus on how to interpret it, and what it means for health and well-being;
- Practical analyses of each agreement and implications for health, well-being and the NHS in the UK.
Participants may enroll in one or both parts.
Audience: Policy makers, public sector leaders, third sector, public health specialists
Click here to view the flyer and register or:
Part 1 – register here
Part 2 – register here