The WHIASU Introduction to Health Impact Assessment (HIA) e-Learning is available on the Learning@Wales site.
This a free course, which is available to anyone to access. It is aimed at those who are new to carrying out HIAs, those with an interest in them or health integration into other impact assessments and who would like to learn more. The course is aimed at those working across the wider public health workforce and both health and non-health policy sectors in Wales including public bodies, Third Sector, communities, commissioners and private citizens.

The course takes around 1 hour to complete and a certificate of completion is available to download on finishing the course.

The course includes sections on:

• HIA in Wales
• What is HIA?
• Health, Well-being and Principles of HIA
• The Process and the Tools
• Quality Assuring a HIA Report
• Practical Application of HIA

To access the e-learning course: