HIA Network of Practice Event
WHIASU@20: 14th November 2024 13:00 – 15:00 The landscape of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) has changed massively over the last 20 years, and the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) have been right at the heart of it since its founding in 2004. This webinar will be a chance for attendees to look at […]
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) statutory regulations for Wales consultation documents published
The HIA statutory regulations for Wales consultation documents were published on 29th December by Welsh Government. The consultation is open until 29th March 2024. The consultation documents and guidance on how to respond can be found here: Health impact assessment regulations | GOV.WALES
HIA Network of Practice – Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Event
This session for the HIA Network of Practice will be focusing on Integrated Impact Assessments (IIA). Speakers will explore a range of perspectives and experiences of using and designing IIAs. This will include developing an online IIA tool, how to incorporate health, undertaking Quality Assurance, and WHIASU’s own approach. We will then open the floor for […]
Facilitators, Barriers and Views on the Role of Public Health Institutes in Promoting and Using Health Impact Assessment – An International Virtual Scoping Survey and Expert Interviews
Public health institutes have an important role in promoting and protecting the health and well-being of populations. A key focus of such institutes are the wider determinants of health, embracing the need to advocate for ‘Health in All Policies’ (HiAP). A valuable tool to support this is the health impact assessment. This scoping study aims […]
New report: Protecting the mental wellbeing of our future generations: learning from COVID-19 for the long term. A Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment Approach.
This comprehensive Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment (MWIA) has been carried out by the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and associated policy responses, on the mental wellbeing of young people aged 10-24 in Wales. The report aims to provide evidence and learning to inform cross-sector policy and […]
New report: The public health impact of public bodies refocusing on waste reduction and reuse in Wales
The report – ‘Circular Economies and Sustainable Health and Well-being: The public health impact of public bodies refocusing on waste reduction and reuse in Wales’, details how implementing policies to reduce and re-use waste, alongside recycling schemes will have possible significant positive impacts on health and well-being for the whole population of Wales. These include […]
New Health Impact Assessment (HIA) network – launch event
The Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) in Public Health Wales is launching a new HIA network at a virtual event on Thursday 26th May. The event will take place online via Microsoft Teams, 10am-12noon. Join us to find out more about the HIA network and to share ideas as part of shaping the […]
Rising to the Triple Challenge of Brexit, COVID-19 and Climate Change for health, well-being and equity in Wales, Spotlight on: Rural Communities
A new report published by Public Health Wales highlights how the combined influences of Brexit, Coronavirus and climate change will potentially see rural communities in Wales experience a time of great change, with both opportunities and negative impacts to navigate. This Spotlight Paper focuses on the issues that Rural communities may face now and in […]
Maximising health and well-being opportunities for spatial planning in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery
Collaboration between policy makers and practitioners in spatial planning with colleagues in health is vital in order to maximise health and well-being opportunities in the recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report from Public Health Wales. The report is being published ahead of an event ‘Creating healthy places and spaces: a collaborative […]