The ACE Support Hub, funded by Welsh Government, has been set up by a voluntary collaboration of organisations called Cymru Well Wales, to support in creating changes that make Wales a leader in tackling and preventing ACEs. Our mission is to share ideas and learning, and to challenge and change ways of working so together, we break the cycle of ACEs.
Our 5 Goals
- Sharing information and knowledge about ACES, listening and working together with communities, children and families to find solutions that will work.
- Sharing evidence about what organisations can do differently to help prevent and mitigate ACEs.
- Developing knowledge and skills among professionals, providing training for them to challenge internal and external networks and drive change.
- Learning from each other, and sharing information that leads to action.
- Driving change by challenging ways of working, throughout Wales.
To date, we have worked with a variety of sectors including education, youth, sports, young carers, housing and substance misuse.
In 2020-2021 you can expect a focus on community and what more we can do to support the development of strength and asset- based approaches that make a difference at a community level, as well as the publication of more resources to support organisations to become ACE aware and trauma -informed in practice, including access to e-learning, and an organisational readiness toolkit.
We also continue to develop a trauma- informed model for HE and FE, piloting the approach in Universities and Colleges in Wales as well as the continuation of education and sports training delivery.
To find out more about the ACE Support Hub please visit our ACE Hub Wales website:
We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh without delay.