Assessing public health implications of free trade agreements: The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

In 2016, the United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union, which was surrounded by political and social uncertainty. The United Kingdom now negotiates its own trade agreements, and in March 2023, it agreed to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP). A health impact assessment (HIA) was undertaken in 2022–23 to predict the potential impact of the CPTPP on the health and well-being of the Welsh Population. This paper explores the HIA findings and highlights the value of the approach in engaging with stakeholders and informing policymakers. This HIA followed a standard five-step approach which involved a literature review to identify potential health impacts, qualitative interviews with cross-sectoral stakeholders and the development of a community health profile. The HIA identified potential impacts across the wider determinants of health and specific vulnerable population groups. Investor state dispute settlement mechanisms, economic uncertainty and loss of regulatory policy space were identified as key pathways for health impacts. The findings have been beneficial in informing decision-makers to prepare for the CPTPP in Wales using an evidence-informed approach. This work has demonstrated the value of a HIA approach that uses a transparent process to mobilise a wide range of evidence, resulting in transferrable learning.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 6 more
, Leah Silva, Courtney McNamara, Michael Fletcher, Louisa Petchey, Timo Clemens, Margaret Douglas

Determining the Public Health Impact of Climate Change: A National Study Using a Health Impact Assessment Approach in Wales

Climate change is recognised as the biggest threat to global health of the 21st century and impacts on health and wellbeing through a range of factors. Due to this, the need to take action in order to protect population health and wellbeing is becoming ever more urgent.

In 2019, Public Health Wales carried out a comprehensive mixed-method Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of climate change. Unlike other risk assessments, it appraised the potential impact of climate change on health and inequalities in Wales through participatory workshops, stakeholder consultations, systematic literature reviews and case studies.

The HIA findings indicate potential impacts across the wider determinants of health and wellbeing. For example, air quality, excess heat/cold, flooding, economic productivity, infrastructure, and community resilience. A range of impacts were identified across population groups, settings, and geographical areas.

These findings can inform decision-makers to prepare for climate change plans and policies using an evidence-informed approach. The work has demonstrated the value of a HIA approach by mobilising a range of evidence through a transparent process, resulting in transferrable learning for others.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 6 more
, Nerys Edmonds, Michael Fletcher, Sumina Azam, Karen Hughes, Phil Wheater, Mark A Bellis

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women, Employment and Health Inequalities

The infographic summarises the findings, looking at the Population Groups and Determinants of Health impacted, along with the key statistics, mitigating actions and potential areas of future research. The Explanatory Note goes into further detail on the above, giving a breakdown of the evidence that informed our positive and negative findings on women, employment and health inequalities. It also offers readers the chance to see the HIA methodology that was used by the team.

Authors: Michael Fletcher, Laura Evans+ 3 more
, Lee Parry-Williams, Kathryn Ashton, Liz Green

The health, well-being and equity impact of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement on Wales

This report provides a short summary of the findings of a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement on Wales. This report is a high-level, evidence-based strategic overview. It summarises the main health, well-being and equity impacts that could potentially occur in the short and longer-term following the UK’s accession to the CPTPP.

Authors: Liz Green, Leah Silva+ 6 more
, Michael Fletcher, Louisa Petchey, Laura Morgan, Margaret Douglas, Sumina Azam, Courtney McNamara

Protecting the mental wellbeing of our future generations: learning from COVID-19 for the long term

This comprehensive Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment (MWIA) has been carried out by the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and associated policy responses, on the mental wellbeing of young people aged 10-24 in Wales.

The MWIA was carried out with the engagement of young people, teachers and lecturers and the support of a Strategic Advisory Group with representatives from a range of organisations in Wales.

The report aims to provide evidence and learning to inform cross-sector policy and practice directed at pandemic recovery, future emergencies and improving population mental wellbeing for the long term.

Authors: Nerys Edmonds, Laura Morgan+ 7 more
, Huw Arfon Thomas, Michael Fletcher, Lee Parry-Williams, Laura Evans, Liz Green, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

Rising to the Triple Challenge of Brexit, COVID-19 and Climate Change for health, well-being and equity in Wales, Spotlight on: Rural Communities

A new report published by Public Health Wales highlights how the combined influences of Brexit, Coronavirus and climate change will potentially see rural communities in Wales experience a time of great change, with both opportunities and negative impacts to navigate.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 7 more
, Michael Fletcher, Laura Evans, Tracy Evans, Lee Parry-Williams, Sumina Azam, Adam Jones, Mark Bellis

Rising to the Triple Challenge of Brexit, COVID-19 and Climate Change for health, well-being and equity in Wales Spotlight on: Food Security

This paper highlights how the combined influences of Brexit, Coronavirus and climate change will potentially impact everyone through the food that is produced, accessed, available and consumed.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 7 more
, Adam Jones, Michael Fletcher, Laura Morgan, Tom Johnson, Tracy Evans, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

Rising to the Triple Challenge of Brexit, COVID-19 and Climate Change for health, well-being and equity in Wales

This report provides a strategic overview of the impact, and interconnectedness, of the enormous events of Brexit, COVID-19
pandemic and climate change. It identifies the key determinants and population groups affected by the Triple Challenge and provides a key example against a determinant.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 7 more
, Michael Fletcher, Adam Jones, Laura Evans, Tracy Evans, Lee Parry-Williams, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis