
In order to share Welsh expertise, experience and skills internationally, and to bring learning back to Wales, the International Health Team links with a variety of organisations in Wales, the UK and internationally.

International Partners

There has been a long-standing collaboration between Wales, Public Health Wales and the WHO, strengthening know-how, capacity and international cooperation for improving wellbeing and health equity, preventing and tackling threats to people and society; and achieving sustainable inclusive growth.

Strategic partnerships and achievements include:

  • Achieving a designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) on Investment for Health and Well-being: the first centre in the world in this area of expertise, informing and supporting policy and practice which drives social, economic and environmental sustainability and prosperity for all in Wales and the European Region.
  • Working in close collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Enabling and facilitating a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Welsh Government, focusing on accelerating progress towards building a healthier, more equal and prosperous Wales and Europe.
  • We are the WHO global focal point for Violence and Injury Prevention for the UK; global focal point for research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); and focal point for the WHO European Regions for Health Network (RHN). Wales is one of the founding members of the RHN, hosting study visits and developing joint publications and events.

EuroHealthNet is a nonprofit partnership of organisations, agencies and statutory bodies working to contribute to a healthier Europe by promoting health and health equity between and within European countries. Public Health Wales is a member of EuroHealthNet with a seat on its Executive Board.

IANPHI links and strengthens the government agencies responsible for public health. IANPHI improves the world’s health by leveraging the experience and expertise of its member institutes to build robust public health systems. Public Health Wales is a full member of IANPHI and, until May 2021, held the Chair of IANPHI’s European Regional Network.

UK Partners

THET is a specialist global health organisation that educates, trains and supports health workers through global health partnerships, strengthening health systems and enabling people in low and middle income countries to access essential healthcare.

We collaborate closely with the UK Faculty of Public Health, taking part in its Global Health Committee and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on Europe and others.

Welsh Partners

Welsh Government International promotes and protects the interests of Wales within the UK, Europe and internationally. Working with partners in Wales and beyond we undertake activities to raise the profile and influence of Wales as a place to live, visit, study and do business.

The Wales and Africa Health Links Network aims to facilitate a co-ordinated and effective approach to promoting and supporting the public health links between Wales and Africa. The Network is open to any partnership between an organisation in Wales and a counterpart in sub-Saharan Africa, which focuses primarily on health.

Hub Cymru Africa is a collaboration bringing together the work of Wales Africa Community Links, the Wales for Africa Health Links Network, the Sub Saharan Advisory Panel, Fair Trade Wales and the Wales International Development Hub. Hub Cymru Africa is hosted by the Welsh Centre for International Affairs.