The International Health Team is a focal point within Public Health Wales for international information sharing, and through its International Health Coordination Centre work stream (IHCC), provides an all-Wales Centre conduit for sharing health related international work across the NHS in Wales. This mission is founded on the Welsh Health Circular (2006) 070 and the subsequent Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders: An Enabling Framework for International Health Engagement document from Welsh Government, outline the expectations and aims for international health work from the public sector in Wales.
In response to these documents, the International Health Team aims to maximise the potential gains for Public Health Wales through its own 10 year international health strategy, and by supporting its partner organisations, both within the NHS and wider by reducing financial, human and political resources which could be wasted in the duplication of efforts. By having a coordinated approach, there is the possibility for new opportunities to arise, including the strengthening of applications for funding.
This mission has led to the development of a large number of collaborative relationships, both in the UK and overseas, the development of the world’s first World Health Organization (WHO) collaborating centre on Investment for Health and Well-being, shared posts between WHO and Public Health Wales, and working relationships with Eurohealthnet, IANPHI and the Regions For Health Network in order to share Welsh experience and skills internationally, and to bring learning back to Wales.